New project underway- potential startup?

Tag: Startup, Hermes | Date: 2025-02-10

Have an idea for a startup, it would be a foot traffic predictor and analyzer for businesses and people who want to see what's happening jn their city
- another feature I thought of:
Quanative/qualitative fine tuning: the system can ask business owners for approximate number of people during certain hours. Using this info, we can predict future values (since Google popular times is a perctage) and even track improvment overtime!
- would need an AI assistant type of feel via chat box, and some sort of backend tracking this data (maybe as an app)

Self-Learning Projects: Vector Graphics via Parametric Curves

Tag: Math, CS, programming | Date: 2025-02-04

I noticed an overlap between topics in 2 of the classes I am taking this semester. 
In my CS200 class, we learned about how to use pixel graphic and vector graphic editors, and their key differences. 
In my CS370 class, we learned about parametric curves, and how to implement them via spline interpolation.

The key difference between pixel graphics and vector graphics, is that vector graphics allow for "seamless scaling without loss of quality". 
I wanted to demonstrate this effect in contrast to a pixel graphics image, so I made this tool!

Try drawing something on the left canvas in 1 long click, watch it's vector version appear, 
then click and drag on the plotted version to zoom in, and see the difference between pixel graphics and vector graphics!

 >>Click here and try it!!<<  
Attached image

2 Day Gamejam finished - learned 3d rendering using vertex buffers

Tag: gamedev. hamejam, 3d graphics | Date: 2025-01-26

Chekc it out on my!  >>Click here! 
Available for windows only tho....
Attached image (I will add this to my game demo page later...)

hahah joined a 2 day gamejam

Tag: gamedev, gamejam | Date: 2025-01-25

The month long one is still happening, but I joined a new server for GMS2 devs, and they're having the very first game jam
the theme is "box"
I decided I am going to make a 3d game in a 2d engine, which after doing some research, seems harder than it looks
hopefully my math bg will carry me

Note to self 2

Tag: Blog, Test | Date: 2025-01-17

Pushing discord update v0.3 (making sure newlines arent added to other blods when updating)
Also add sumo bot code + pics to game demos or blog?

Sneak peak into 2025 Boss Rush GameJam progress

Tag: Blog, gamedev | Date: 2025-01-17

I may have mentioned this earlier, but I'm also participating in another game jam!
This one is called Boss Rush 2025, where the whole point is to make a game all about boss rushes.
This time, I'm using Unity and C#, because it would be easier to make a 3D game in Unity rather than having to make
a way to render 3D in a 2D engine like GameMaker (which I usually use)

here's some videos!
Testing out the screw-dash mechanic.
Testing out some different UI elements.
Early version where I was playtesting the main movement.

Note to self 1

Tag: Blog, Note | Date: 2025-01-12

Update discord bot to upload raw image file to site aswell as message
(Using Discord to store the url to the image doesnt work long term, since they expire the links eventually...)
Also fix bug where HTML gets spaced (doesnt effetc output, but affects file readability)

New code test 4

Tag: Blog, Code | Date: 2025-01-10

Adding backwards update to bot, so that the bot takes a fresh copy from the website before uploading
>>Click here to check out the code on my GitHub!

Teaser for personal project

Tag: Gamedev, Blog | Date: 2025-01-08

So many projects!
Not only am I working on the team game jam (Boss Rush 2025), but I'm also trying to make some progress on an idea I had in 2023.
The basic idea is a platformer where the main tool will be a bouncing knife.
More to come, and when I have a demo I will upload it to the Game Demo page!
Attached image

Boss Rush 2025 GameJam Devlog

Tag: Gamedev, Blog | Date: 2025-01-07

<Upload files, add to game page>

College Schedule Maker my beloved...

Tag: Blog | Date: 2025-01-03

What a blessed site.

An inordinate amount of human good has probably been created by this site (maybe hyperbole but imo this site is the GOAT)
Attached image

Holy Crap I hate installing Unity

Tag: Unity | Date: 2025-01-03

Please God why do I have to uninstall-reinstall this thing EVERY TIME

Happy New Year!

Tag: Blog | Date: 2025-01-01

Happy New Year!
Attached image

Lesser Known Mangas you should read

Tag: Manga | Date: 2024-12-30

In no particular order,

- Clover
- Crows
- Angel Densetsu
- Kengan Ashura
- Real
- Kaiji
- Hinamatsuri
- Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa (read if you're at a low place in life)

Future Fixes

Tag: Blog, Discord | Date: 2024-12-30

So heres some undesirable features

1. Discord has a text limit (can be solved by buy nitro)

2. While I have gained the ability to blog anywhere, I need to make sure my PC is always running the discord bot

    - One solution is to buy a small arduino and host it there?

3. Not as customizable (nitpick, i can just edit the html once im at a proper setup)

All in all, I like the system


Tag: MEME | Date: 2024-12-30

            Attached image


Meme Time lmaoo

Tag: Meme | Date: 2024-12-30

Love how this blog works now
Attached image

Code for Discord Activated Blogging on Neocities Site

Tag: Discord, Neocities, Blog | Date: 2024-12-30


Please don't forget to make a .env file, where inside of it you set the following variables:
# .env
DISCORD_TOKEN="discord token here"
PASSWORD="neocities pw here"
BLOG_PATH="local copy of your blog"


Tag: Discord, NeoCities API, Python | Date: 2024-12-30

So here's the general idea.
I made a discord bot in Python that runs on my local computer and invited it to my personal server,
It only reacts to messages in the "blog" text channel
Then, it reads the first 2 lines of the message
The first line is the title, and the second line is the tag of the post
To generate some random URL so i can refer to an individual entry, I put the title into a hash function and make that the entry id
Then, the bot edits a local copy of my blog.html on my computer, such that it appends to the top of the blog section
Then, using the neocities API, I upload the file on my desktop to my site.

If anyone wants the code for this, feel free to ask! I may actually upload to my github soon 
(once I make all the passwords, paths and keys into ENV variables LMAO)

Live Test 28

Tag: Discord, Cyberduck CLI | Date: 2024-12-30

Hello World!

Live Test 6

Tag: Discord, Cyberduck CLI | Date: 2024-12-30

Hello World!

Live Test 5

Tag: Discord, Cyberduck CLI | Date: 2024-12-30

Hello World!

CyberDuck and Easy Blogging via Discord

Tag: Webdev, Discord | Date: 2024-12-29

                So this all started because I had an idea for a discord bot.
                basically, the bot would scan servers, make html pages formatted liked old-school forum pages, and publish them online.
                This way, public discords could share their information online in a way that can be searched and indexed by search engines like Google.
                I would throw banner ads at the top to pay for the server hosting costs.
                The idea stemmed from the problem that a lot of modern forums have been replaced by discords. I know Reddit is essentially the modern forum page, 
                but some information stays in Discords, which is then not accessible to the general public. That being said, it's not hard to find discords for the topic you want help with,
                but I just think the tool would be helpful in saving time.
                Anyways...this entire idea is 100% the ToS of the Discord API and Discord Use Policy. Not allowed to scrape user data. PLus, theres so many individual privacy laws to consider, with EU regulation,
                California regulation, etc..

                So, new idea! I'm still gonna make a discord bot, but only for myself, and run it on my desktop. The goal is that I'll make a dedicated channel on a personal discord server.
                The Discord bot will then take every new message I send in that channel, and create a blog post by editing some html template.
                Then, ill mount this site onto my desktop using CyberDuck, and I'll have the bot send a command to CyberDuck via CLI to add the new file to the site.
                Discord-activated blogging!
                What makes it super fun is that I can open discord anywhere, and it makes blogging super quick!
                Now, I could just use twitter, but building this is half the fun lmao


Balatro and Xmas

Tag: Games | Date: 2024-12-26

I've been spending a lot of time with my family recently.
Got to play wiht my cousins, young and old. Honestly, I haven't laughed this much in a while.
It feels good to be connected.

I want to get back into the swing of things, espically with the gym.
I want to git the 1/2/3/4 lifts this year. It's been my goal for a couple years now, but I really think I can do it this year.
Sometimes it feels like I make no progress, and truly according to the numbers it looks that way, and even according to the pictures too.
 Despite that, I still think that I have grown, in some way. I definetely have gotten better core strength and leg strength, even if I'm fatter.

At night before bed, I've been playing Balatro. One of my friends gifted it to me.
It's honestly very fun, and looking at it from a game design perspective, it's actually incredible.
It's scary how perfect it is. The first playthrough feels a little daunting, since there's so many small mechanics.
But once you play a couple runs, you're hooked. And the game doesn't hold your hand, it's up to you.
If I can get to 8/8 ante, maybe I'll compile more of my thoughts here!

Update (1/17/2025) i hit 8/8! my additonal thougts: game is goated (obv it won GOTY!)


Overwatch and Greedy design

Tag: Games, Writing | Date: 2024-12-23

                Came back to visit my parents for winter break. I'll be staying for the next couple weeks.
                I brought back my PC, and in between chores I've been playing a lot of Marvel Rivals, and surprisngly Overwatch 2.
                I used to play a lot of Overwatch back in the day, and honestly I think I was pretty decent. 
                First couple games in I was doing pretty well. I think playing Marvel Rivals made my Overwatch game sense return, 
                so the adjustment period was really small.

                One problem I had during my games was the lack of healers. Overwatch finally has enough tanks (INTERETSING tanks), 
                so now it's pretty commoun to see Hazards and Rammatras playing, but not healers.
                HOnestly it's a simlar problem in Marvel Rivals.
                Why don't people like playing support/tank?

                Honestly, if I ever get the chance to make MOBAs like OW or MR, I would try to design all characters with "greed" in mind.
                Each character would fall into their respective classes (Tank, DPS and Supp), and by fulfilling their function, the team would DIRECTLY benefit.
                Now obviously, thats already the way it works. If each class plays to their strengths (i.e the purpose of their role), then the game is won.
                I would like to take that logic, and make it more blatant to the player.
                For example, take Reinhardt. Imagine that while he absorbs damage with his shield, he lets off a healing aura very close behind him.

                Alternatively, maybe a damage boost. All of a sudden, the tank now understands that to use their kit to the fullest, they need to block damage.
                The DPS now understands that to maximize their own effectivness, they should stand near the tank to gain a heal/dmg boost.

                Both players are playing in a "greedy" fashion, but looking at the whole, it's teamwork.
                Now as I write this out, this really just sounds like smart-kit design, but I like the term "greedy" team design better.

                In other news, I have thought of an idea of a story to write. I was really inspired from a course about ancient philosophy a couple terms ago,
                espicially the idea of "Platonic Ideals". Honestly it was so captivating that I made an entire magic system based around it, and then a rough outline of a story
                in my head. 

                I wrote down some ideas on Google Docs, and I hope to refine it later. Maybe I can upload it here? Atleast maybe the first couple chapters
                Also the chinese suppliers finally got back to me!! I am going to see what offers they have for gum base, and then I am going to try and make some "energy gum" with my friends. 

Roblox Game Layout

Tag: Music, Game, Game Development | Date: 2024-12-20

                Ok, seems like the Roblox game idea is a go!
                The plan is to make a Dragon Ball inspired battlegrounds game, with destruction physics.
                The model is JJS, a really popular Roblox battlegrounds game that I personally enjoy.

                In my head, I want to add these base components:
                - Destructible map

                - M1 Chains with Gurad Breakers

                - Guard Button

                - A Transformation/Awakening button that resets Health, increases speed attack damage and knockback by 1.5x, and a double jump

                - Wall running

                - 4 Abilities

                - An "R" button ability (a behind the back teleport)


Game Dev Music

Tag: Music, Game, Game Development | Date: 2024-12-17

Been getting a lot of YT shorts about music production lately.
Might learn FL Studio one of these days.
Tried to apply some of the chord progressions they showed off in the short, have a look!
Also, considering making a Roblox game, need to learn how it works tho.


Tag: Python, Dungeons and Dragons, Projects | Date: 2024-12-16

  I do have a couple projects in mind:
        1. Make a Discord Forum Page generator from Discord Servers (already in progress)

        2. Dungeons and Dragons 200+ Room Dungeon Generator (I'll elaborate on this one)

            - My friend made a giant dungeons and dragons map, with 206 rooms and a text file containing the description for each numbered room
            - I thought it would be cool to make an automatic system that could run encounters, give loot, and generate enemies
            - So i wrote some python code for the visual map he made! I made a map that was initially hidden, where blocks could be revealed to the players
            - Also, afterwards I added the descriptions for each room by reading the textfile, where each room had a number asssociated with it's description
Here's the initial map:
This is what I did with it:
Then, I added in some extra encounter information (what did the players find in that room) In the future, once my friend and I plan more stuff out, I wanna add what enemies show up aswell!
For anyone interested, here's my code:
  • ⊳ Python Code
  • Game Dev Music

    Tag: Music, Game, Game Development | Date: 2024-12-16

    Another song I had saved, this time from August of 2024.
    Also, I have an idea for an omni-directional treadmill. Once I work out the knots of it, ill post my ideas here!

    Short Story

    Tag: Writing, Fantasy | Date: 2024-12-15

    Here's a short story I wrote a year back, honestly it could definitely use some work, but it was really fun writing it.
    I wanted to make a spin on the Ozymandias poem, and this fantasy story came from it.
                    Short Story: King
    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
    I wake up, ears ringing.
    The silence is deafning, my eyes still focusing. As I lift my neck from the mud, the world starts to come back.
    The sounds of battle reach my ears.
    "B___OM, *krkkkkkkkk*"
    I wipe the mud from my brow, and grab my sword. I get up - only to fall again.
    Looking at my legs, I remember why I fell in the first place.
    Gone. The entirety of it, from the left knee downwards.
    I recount a prayer in my head - "Omnes...reges..nascuntur. Omnes reges nascuntur" - and channel my focus towards my leg.
    I feel it - a slight relief from the pain, but no regrowth. An unexpected setback.
    Can't dwell on it - have to move, the clerics will patch me up.
    Sword in hand still, I start to crawl. 
    "Da duh, Da duh, Da duh"
    Infront of me, there looks to be a boulder, about the size of cart.
    As I crawl towards it, the sound gets louder.
    "Da Duh, Da Duh, Da Duh"
    "DaDuh DaDuh DaDuh DaDuh"
    Dragging my legs through the mud, I claw my way to the boulder, and right as they approach I roll behind.
    I hear the horses stop. I hold my breath.
    "DaDuh DaDuh DaDuh Da Duh Da duh"
    I allow myself to catch my breath, but even breathing is hard.
    As I breathe, I recall fragments of what happened; calvary charge, oppostion had an unaccounted-for mage, plan went awry.
    I peek back towards the battlefield, looking for anyone else wearing the vanguard tabards, but it's hard to see through the dust.
    While I climb up the rock to get a better view, I notice how oddly shaped it is, almost chair-like.
    As I look upon the battlefield, through all the dust and dirt, I see only dropped weapons and bloodstains.
    The only sounds I hear are distant: of swords and sorceries I reckon.
    I turn away, now leaning on the rock, finally allowing myself to rest.
    I inspect what remains of my left leg. Seems that the wound was cauterized.
    "Ah, it was a flame blade, I see" I say aloud, to an audience of no one.
    I begin to think outload 
    "If only our captain knew of the enemies hidden forces, we probably would've taken a different approach."
    "Ah, but really it's the spies faults for not providing accurate information."
    "Oh, but REALLY it's the generals faults for not considering errors in the spies information"
    "It's his fault"
    "That damn King"
    "That damn stupid King had to start this stupid war for what? For what??? Why am I here?"
    I throw my sword infront of me
    "Why are we fighting? Because my captain told me? Because his generals told him?"
    "NO" I shout.
    I snap back to reality. Quickly, I hide behind, and peer slightly above the boulder.
    All I see is an empty wasteland. Brown dirt and dust. Even the immediate sky is vague colour between rust and tan.
    I return to my original position, breathing a sigh of relief. Monolouging after losing my leg would surely be a lousy way to die.
    The reality sets in through. I am without a leg, on an empty battlefield. 
    I go back to resting my back on the rock, as I whisper to myself:
    "All because of that damn Kin-"
    My eyes dart forward, finally indentifying the source of the sound I heard earlier.
    On top my sword, rests a black bird, pecking at the hilt.
    I squint.
    No collar, a small deformation on one of it's wings; however no markings.
    Doesn't look to be a familar of the enemy forces, and it looks to have typical feather and head shape of a ...
    "SQUAKKKKK" the Raven replies.
    "You gave me quite a fright y'know? Be careful, don't you know this is a battlefield?" I say to the Raven.
    The Raven pauses, and looks up.
    It looks as if it's awaiting the next word.
    As I rest with the rock at my back, we stare at each other in silence, until the bird approaches my left leg.
    The Raven pecks at what remains, and then looks up to me again.
    "HaHa" I chuckle. "Didn't think ravens knew of pity" I say.
    The bird doesn't move, and continues to look into my eyes.
    I feel it's stare, and in a strange sense, it's intention almost seems human.
    It's the same stare a man gives a wolf, or child to his father. The kind of stare that longs for understanding.
    The kind of gaze that is looking for the best way to communicate.
    And again, during this gaze, my earlier thoughts resurface.
    Why was I sent here? To win a battle for a king, who will never know my name? 
    Why? Just because he said so? Just because he sits on a throne??
    Why him? Why not me? Where's my kingdom? My lands and riches? My throne?
    I slam the side of the boulder with my hand
    Surprisngly, the Raven isn't startled by this sudden sound. Instead, the Raven pecks at my stump, nipping at the wound.
    I wince - "You bastard" - and recount the prayer chant again: 
    "Omnes reges nascuntur".
    I watch the stump around my wound begin to glow.
    A simple spell the clerics and paladins taught us. A prayer chant used to heal minor wounds and pains. 
    Often used to bless wounds and clean infections.
    However, it doesn't seem to be nearly strong enough to recover missing appendeges.
    The glow subsides, and the pain leaves my leg once again.
    I curl my fist, and stare daggers at the Raven, exclaiming:
    "Best not do that again, unless you wish to join me in my demise"
    "What", I reply.
    "Om-nus rug-us nus-qun-tur", the Raven replies.
    I watch the Raven dance on my leg, turning left and right.
    The Raven checks it's feathers, both under and over, as if it's looking for something.
    "Oh!" The realization hits me. "You're looking for the glow aren't you". I say to the Raven.
    I chuckle, and say "It's not so simple. You see, to cast any spell, you have to know the meaning of the words.
    I'm only saying the words outloud to help my focus; there are those who can even cast without a single utterance".
    I leave out the part about how I am actually quite proficent in magic for a calvary man, afterall, what good is there in bragging to an animal? 
    I have only been using the opening line for this particular chant, and yet I am still capable of producing the spell's full effects. 
    Despite my self-proclaimed proficency in magic, this phenomena has always puzzled me. 
    What governing principle is actually being expressed when one "shortcuts" a spell? Is it dependent on understanding the true meaning of the spell's chants? 
    However, aren't some spells dependent on somatic componenets? Are there "true meanings" to the flailing of my hands? 
    Does physical stamina play a part in a spell's effectiveness? 
    Could my injuries be bottlenecking the spell's potential effects, thus not allowing any regrowth?
    As I ponder thoughts that a first-year mage might encounter, I hear the Raven speak again.
    "Om-nus" it squaks.
    A sigh escapes my mouth as I watch.
    "Omnes reges nascuntur...."
    I struggle to remember the next sentence.
    "Iustus postulo ut inveniat thronum suum!" I exclaim.
    I look down, and meet the Raven's eyes.
    I explain "A rough translation would be 'All men are born kings; they just need to find their throne'".
    "Keeping the meaning of the spell in your heart is imperative to gaining it's full effects.
    Understanding the chant is the first step to casting any spell" I proclaim.
    The Raven continues to stare at me, not making any sounds.
    "Do you understand?...." I say, quickly losing confidence in the Raven's ability to understand language.
    I ponder whether ravens have any concept of kings or thrones. What a peaceful life they must live.
    I wonder if they would react in disgust if I could explain to them what a king is.
    All men are born kings. What a ridicoulus notion. I wonder what a raven would think of that.
    I look down, and I see the raven hasn't moved from his spot. It's gaze is fixed on me, as if it's waiting for more words.
    Does this raven know the meaning of those words? Does it think I a king?
    "*Urgh*", I grunt.
    The pain is coming back. I think back. I have used 2 spells so far, and I've only ever cast 3 in a day.
    If my hypothesis is correct, then in my current condition this 3rd spell will be of least effectiveness.
    If the wounds has already been blessed and cleaned, then casting again now would do no good.
    I decide that it would be better to save it for an emergency.
    As my internal thoughts almost come to a close, I hear the raven mutter something:
    "Thro-num S-um In-ven-tt" it slowly squaks out.
    It looks tired. Almost as tired as I am.
    Our fates are tied, this bird and I. 
    Does it not know it's futile? That it's not strong enough to make any change?
    It's too pitiful to watch.
    But I can't allow it to go unseen.
    I unfold my arms, and offer my hand to the raven. 
    It immediately jumps up, flapping only it's left wing to reach my arm.
    I lift my other hand, and hover it above the ravens body.
    I close my eyes, and for the first time in a long time, I recount the full chant aloud.
    "Omnes reges nascuntur, Iustus postulo ut inveniat thronum suum".
    Even with my eyes closed, I can still see the glow, brighter than normal.
    As the glow subsides, I open my eyes, and see nothing in my gauntlets.
    I look up, and among the clouds and dust, I see a small black speck in sky, flying freely.
    Before I can even appreciate the view, the fatigue hits me.
    I turn and clutch the boulder, and I can feel my leg starting to give out.
    Using the last of my strength, I climb around and onto the rock, siting in the spot I earlier noted as 'chairlike'.
    As I sit, I see my sword on the ground, and the empty battlefield beyond it.
    The sounds of battle have almost stopped, and the sunrays are starting to peak through the dusty sky.
    I hear a *woosh* and feel a small weight fall on my shoulder.
    As I turn my head, I face a determined looking raven.
    I look back to the empty battlefield, and my despair leaves me. 
    The lone and level ground stretches far away,
    awaiting my arrival.

    Game Dev Music

    Tag: Music, Game, Game Development | Date: 2024-12-14

    There's lots of cool music creation tools online.
    There's sites like BeepBox and it's variants (Modbox, Jummbox, Ultrabox, etc)
    I have zero music background, but I've always been interested in learning music production, espically for game development!
    I am not very good yet, espcially when it comes to composition, but I think I have a decent ear for music itself.
    My next goals are learning music theory so I can find what chords and rhythms I can use to construct/evoke particular moods.
    *NOTE: realized i have to pay to upload mp3s bruhhhh

    Blog Test #2

    Tag: Blog, Webdev | Date: 2024-12-13

    Searchbar works great, hopefully it can scale well as posts increase.
    Specific posts are linkable and it is fairly easy to update
    *Note: Looking into using Javescript to write HTML according to a template, connecting said JS script to PC, to streamline blog posts
    *Note: Need to learn Markdown, and then convert Markdown to HTML (could use GPT to convert posts using template)
    *Note: Add blog posts in order where top is the most recent

    Blog Test

    Tag: Blog, Webdev | Date: 2024-12-13

    Testing blog functionality.
    Goals for blog page:
    - Searchable via search bar
    - Specific posts can be linked to
    - Must be easy to update
    - Must be easy to write
    - Add RSS feed?